Authenticity of the signature on the documents
Anna Yakovleva, Associate of Litigation Practice at Duvernoix Legal:
"The only guaranteed way to confirm the authenticity of an official's signature on a document is to sign in the presence of a notary. However, for the purposes of ordinary document management, this method is certainly impractical. Therefore, in my opinion, the use of a qualified electronic digital signature is promising, since it is much more difficult to falsify it than a handwritten one.
The general legal principle of good faith and reasonableness of participants in civil legal relations in case of doubts about the authenticity of the signature implies the obligation of the counterparty to take measures to verify it, for example, by requesting a card with sample signatures, confirmation of authority and documents on subsequent confirmation of the concluded transaction.
The seal impression, even if it is mandatory by virtue of the charter, has little effect on the validity of the document. Today, printing houses will produce any seal without checking the documents confirming the connection of the contacting customer with the legal entity indicated on the impression."