The rapid digitalization of all business sectors, the development of companies and startups related to the IT industry requires a professional approach to the legal support of projects.
At the stage of formation of IT companies, timely consulting with professionals in the field of IT law will eliminate fatal risks associated with the infringement of intellectual property rights (copyrights, patent rights, rights to software products and databases), excluding the loss of such intangible rights, which are sometimes the only asset of an IT company, settle ownership and corporate governance issues between founders and investors. Applying to professionals will also help to monetize the intellectual activity results, reliably structure the business, increase its investment attractiveness and significantly reduce financial costs. Our international experience and established contacts in various jurisdictions allow us to successfully solve the issues facing companies in the IT sector. We understand the needs of the IT industry and solve the assigned tasks.
Our specialists are trusted by the leaders of the IT industry.
Aspects of our work in the field of IT:
- Legal support of market players engaged in the creation and use of information technologies (software development, databases, data storage, and processing systems, software distribution, gaming, etc.);
- Legal support of e-commerce market players, marketplace, online services, and various platforms;
- Protection of intellectual property rights, support of registration of intellectual rights;
- Legal support of accreditation of IT companies in the Ministry of Finance of Russia;
- Resolution and settlement of disputes arising in the IT industry;
- Corporate and tax structuring of IT projects and transactions in the field of IT;
- Choice of jurisdiction for an IT company, taking into account the practice of international structuring and functioning of the company;
- Relocation of the main core of the company to attractive stable jurisdictions with a developed legal system that protects both founders and investors.